The DIY spirit is all about looking at a problem, seeing what the solution is, and thinking, “Hey, that seems simple enough. I can do that.” Some of the time, this sentiment is true, particularly if you have the right equipment and some practice with tackling repairs or performing maintenance on vehicles. There are plenty […]
Author: Greg Wiesen
Get Ready for Snow: Prep Your Winter Emergency Kit
It’s that time of year again to make sure your vehicle is ready for the winter. There are quite a few ways you should go about this, including making sure your battery is in good shape, checking and replacing your windshield wipers, and perhaps adding antifreeze to your washer fluid. This is also the time […]
How to Pick the Right Motorcycle Helmet
If you’re getting ready to buy a motorcycle, then you need a helmet. Even if you live in one of the states that do not have a helmet law, riding with a helmet is a much more comfortable experience and increases your chances of surviving a crash by roughly 40%. However, there are a ton […]
Your Summer Guide to Keeping Your Car Clean
Don’t take this the wrong way, but some of you need to take better care of your vehicles. It’s one thing to drive around with some dirt and mud on your vehicle after going off-roading, wearing it like a badge of honor for a day or so. But it’s another thing entirely to have enough […]
Can DIY Maintenance Impact Your Car’s Warranty?
It can be quite satisfying to perform your own auto maintenance. You can save some money in the process, too. But can maintaining your car yourself instead of taking it to the shop affect your warranty coverage? That’s a great question with a relatively layered answer because, like so many other things in life, it’s […]
How to Install a Remote Start System in Your Car
For many of us, one of the great joys in life is working on our vehicles to either maintain them or add new features that let us customize our rides to offer everything we want. There’s no shortage of ways to add new features to your vehicle, and while some of them are quite simple, […]
Car Care 101: Scheduled Service Beyond the Basics
We all know that the best way to get the most from your vehicle is to take proper care of it, and proper care means knowing your vehicle’s maintenance schedule and sticking to it. That being said, what you tend to see people talk about the most is basic things like getting an oil change […]
What Do Tire Wear Patterns Say About Your Alignment?
Proper car care often requires a holistic approach, where the entirety of your vehicle needs to be considered rather than just individual parts. Different parts of your vehicle are interconnected and affect each other. While you sit inside your car, the steering wheel you hold is connected to a steering column, which goes to the […]
Hey You, Stop Doing These Things to Your Poor Car!
Look, I get it—we’re all busy, we all have places to be and things to do, and proper vehicle maintenance isn’t necessarily at the top of the list when it comes to how you want to spend a day off. That’s all well and good, but if you don’t take proper care of your vehicle […]
How to Keep Your Cool When Your Engine Gets Too Hot
There you are, minding your own business, when suddenly you smell something like burning sugar coming from your vehicle, and what appears to be smoke starts to pour up along the sides of your hood. Safe to say, your day just got a whole lot worse—but it’s not the end of the world. An overheating […]
What Can You Fix on Your Own, and When Do You Need a Pro?
Few things are quite as satisfying as working on your own vehicle, either making repairs or simply keeping up with maintenance to ensure it runs as well as possible. There are plenty of relatively simple tasks and repairs that just about anyone can do at home with minimal investment in tools or supplies, but there […]
What Accessories and Parts Do You Need for Your Chevy?
So you’ve just driven away from your local Chevrolet dealer in a shiny new (or used) vehicle, and you’re happy with everything your car has to offer. You want for nothing, right? If you’re anything like me, even when you’ve found the vehicle you’re looking for and got the bells and whistles you wanted, there’s […]
It’s That Time Again: Get Your Car Ready for Winter
The days are getting shorter, the air is getting colder, and the hordes of insects that plagued us all summer have made a retreat. All of this can only mean one thing: winter is right around the corner. Before you start hearing holiday tunes everywhere you go or begin having stressful dreams about family dinners […]
5 Key Tips for Replacing Your Headlights
Your vehicle’s headlights are one of those things that are easy to take for granted—something that you might not miss until they’re gone. But once they’re gone, believe me, you’ll miss them. The last thing you want is to be driving at night and find yourself suddenly steering in pitch darkness. At best, you’ll find […]
What to Know When Customizing Your Wheels
Your wheels are some of the most important parts of your vehicle, but that doesn’t mean you can’t also use them to express yourself. The wheels put on your car by the factory work just fine, of course, but there are numerous reasons you might want to customize your wheels or swap them out for […]
A Simple Guide to Proper Toyota Hybrid Care
There’s nothing sexy or glamorous about taking care of your vehicle, but all of the fun that comes with having a car—and all of the practical stuff, too—is only possible when your vehicle runs properly, which is where routine maintenance comes into play. Hybrids are no exception to this rule; there are a lot of […]
Be Sure to Do Your Routine Summer Maintenance
If you’re like me and you grew up in Arizona, then you know summer to be the time when you need to do everything you can to avoid the apocalyptic rays of the sun and escape those scorching temperatures that aim to sear your brain. But for everyone else, summer is when you want to […]
How to Keep Your Car’s Windows and Glass Clean
When it comes to proper car care, certain things are definitely more complicated than others; replacing brakes is more complex than an oil change, which is also more involved than simply cleaning your vehicle. And yet, each of these things is still vital in its own way—something like cleaning your windows might seem silly or […]
Winter, Summer, All-Season…Which Tires Are Right for You?
Sometimes it feels like I’m always thinking about tires; in the fall, I’m planning on making the swap to winter tires; through the winter, I worry about if my winter tires are still in good shape; when spring comes around, I’m getting ready to swap back to summer tires; in the summer I check to […]
Does Your Car Need High-Octane Gas?
Even someone who’s never driven a car has probably heard the phrase “high-octane,” as it’s become synonymous with something exciting or heart-racing. But why is that, exactly? High-octane gas, in and of itself, isn’t particularly exciting, but it’s come to represent what it’s used for, which are high-performance engines, typically those found in muscle cars […]
Which Turbocharger Is Right for You?
Turbochargers for engines are quite complicated but also surprisingly simple, with a vast array of different options available from many manufacturers. You’ll find some turbocharged engines coming straight from the factory, either to boost overall performance or to get decent performance from a small engine, while others are available as aftermarket options that you can […]