Some drivers might hesitate at the idea of working on vital components like their vehicle’s brakes, but many tasks are well within reach of the average DIY mechanic. Brake calipers are a great example. A vital part of the brake assembly that’s responsible for slowing down your vehicle, brake calipers might seem like an ambitious […]
Category: Brakes
Exploring the Sights, Smells, and Sounds of Failing Brakes
While many of today’s vehicles include a bevy of advanced safety features, your Honda’s brakes are still the first line of defense when you’re behind the wheel. Of all the components in a vehicle, drivers tend to interact with their brakes more than most. This can lead to a lot of wear and tear but […]
Maximizing Your Stopping Power: Brake Service 101
How often do you think about the brakes on your vehicle? While most people don’t give their brakes much thought, your brakes are vital to your safety and play a prominent role in how your car, truck, or SUV performs. If you’ve ever had brake trouble, you know just how scary it can be if […]
Vi-Braking: When Your Brakes Vibrate
Stop and go is just the way our world is running these days. There are a ton of people, and that means that there have to be more red lights and stop signs to keep accidents from happening. One of the most important functions of our vehicles is their ability to stop when we need […]
How Changing Brake Pads Can Upgrade Your Car
Brake pads may be the most invisible component of your brake system. Hidden in the calipers, they are difficult to see, and you likely never think of them until they wear out. However, the brake pads are also one of the most critical components of your brake system, and they can be a cheap way […]
When Did You Last Change Your Brake Fluid?
There is a lot to keep up with when it comes to maintaining your car, especially if you are the DIY type that doesn’t rely on a mechanic to take care of it all for you. As you keep tabs on the engine oil, air filters, tires, lights, and more, it can be easy to […]
Different Brake Fluid Types and How They Affect Your Ride
Some motorists might think that brake fluid isn’t as important as oil and fuel, but it’s actually extremely important. The right kind of brake fluid can make all the difference when it comes to the stopping performance of your vehicle. Part of what may get some people hung up on the kind of brake fluid […]
Changing Your Brake Fluid: How to Choose the Best Tools for the Job
Any DIY mechanic would agree that self-reliance is an important life skill. The ability to be able to handle some car repair jobs for yourself helps you gain a better understanding of the condition of your vehicle and can save you money. While there are some repairs on your car that you may want to […]
7 Fluids You Can Check to Keep Your Car Running Like New
While Base Commander Jack D. Ripper might’ve been concerned about the perceived international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids, I’m more concerned about the fluids in your car. Since you no doubt see advertisements for an oil change near you on a near-daily basis, I likely don’t need to […]
Innovation and Green Tech Meet In Regenerative Braking
RegLong the stuff of science fiction, electric vehicles have finally carved out their place in the automotive scene. While the growth is largely tied to a more eco-conscious consumer base, there are also a number of cutting-edge technological components that have allowed electric vehicles to edge their way into the mainstream. Lithium-ion batteries get all […]
Improving Your Z Car’s Stopping Power
With any fast car, stopping power is essential. For Nissan’s high-performance Z cars, this axiom is doubly true, and any owner of a Z that plans to track their car knows to keep their brakes in peak condition. While Nissan brake service at your local Nissan dealership will keep your Z ready for street driving […]
Brake Service and The Importance of Brake Fluid
To those not familiar with automobiles, brake fluid might sound like a fictional substance. But quite unlike the fictitious blinker fluid, keeping your brake fluid up to date and properly managed could mean the difference between stopping at a red light and plowing into oncoming traffic. When getting a Toyota brake service, one might ask […]
How To Replace Front Brake Pads
Brakes are the most important system on your vehicle, yet in the grand scheme of things are one of the easier systems to do maintenance on. Unlike the engine or transmission, there are no parts buried in the vehicle, nor are there requirements to use large machinery to do in-depth service on them, so you […]
How Do You Replace Brake Pads?
Brake service is essential for keeping your vehicle running safely. You absolutely cannot underestimate how important your brakes are because if your brakes go then, you could end up in a very hazardous situation on the road while driving. That’s why it’s always imperative to have brake service done as frequently as your vehicle’s manual […]
DIY Brake Service Done Right
Taking on a DIY project can be daunting. Sure, you want to save money and take pride in your ownership, but the last thing you want to do is take apart something you can’t reassemble or cause bigger problems than the one you’re trying to fix. That’s what we’re here for! You’ll save hundreds of […]
Important Tips About Nissan Brakes When Driving In The City
Not every carmaker makes their cars exactly the same. This means that not every vehicle starts and stops the same, and not every vehicle has the same brake quality or longevity or uses the same kind of component design. For Nissan vehicles in particular, the brake designs vary per make and model, which can change […]
The Top Performance Mods That Anyone Can Perform From Home
There are a number of different things that people look for in vehicles. Some people look for comfort, some look for a particular brand, and some look with performance in mind. An unfortunate reality is that many performance-oriented cars are expensive, and are simply out of price ranges for far too many people interested. However, […]
How to Perform a Brake Pad and Rotor Change From Home
When it comes to vehicles, many drivers often overlook or take for granted just how complex and amazing vehicles are. Many drivers possess a bare-minimum amount of mechanical knowledge, just enough to know that smoke rising out an engine is bad, but not enough to why that is. When it comes to vehicle repairs, most […]